Saturday, November 06, 2004

Emblem Books and Internet Lectio

Cultivating a Devotional Mind and Heart, through Words and Images

While an English graduate student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I had the opportunity to study under a wonderful professor, Dr. Les Whipp. He introduced me to emblem books, an art/literature form popular in the 16th century.

For the people of that time, emblem books were a way to read the world into their hearts. An image (usually a woodcut or engraving), a title and a poem or verse formed a triad of moral and spiritual meaning for the reader. (For more information on emblems and emblem books, here is a place to begin:)

  • Glasgow University Emblem Website

    Remembering my research on emblems (which was far more tedious in the pre-internet days) gave me an idea for how to support lectio in my own distracted life, and on this blog for any interested readers. At least for a while, given feedback, I'm going to offer a daily lectio emblem. It will consist of a visual image, a caption for the image, and a brief "word" of scripture or devotional reading. Why the visual component? For the same reason that the medieval emblem writers/artists included it--our hearts ponder what we see in light of the words, creating a devotional dynamic.

  • So I float it out there, for myself and for you. May God bless our quiet efforts to make room for Him in our hearts.


    At November 9, 2004 at 7:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

    Nice idea. Starting at the top of your blog and reading down, I was just wondering to myself - does she have a plan for doing a photo/quote/personal story for each day? And here you do! Good job. I'm enjoying it.

    At November 10, 2004 at 6:36 AM, Blogger Steve Bogner said...

    The emblem idea is nice - I will be sure to check in now & then.


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