Humility, the Third Degree
“The third degree of humility is that a person
for love of God
submit himself to his Superior in all obedience,
imitating the Lord, of whom the Apostle says,
‘He became obedient even unto death.’”
Rule of Benedict, Chapter Seven, On Humility
St. Benedict
“Christ: ‘I have often told you, and I repeat it again;
forsake yourself and renounce yourself,
and you shall enjoy great interior peace.
Give all for all; seek nothing;
take nothing back that you have given up;
stand with pure detachment and with full confidence in Me,
and then you shall truly possess Me.
Then you shall enjoy true freedom of heart
and darkness shall not overcome you.
Aim at that alone.
Pray for it, desire it, that you may be divested of all self-seeking;
and so, spiritually naked, follow the naked Jesus.
Thus you will die to yourself and live forever to and for me.’”
The Imitation of Christ, Chapter 37, Thomas à Kempis
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